Saturday, May 7, 2011

Thar be work ta' be dun! Arr.. a shitstorm a'be brewin'...

 Disclaimer: Humor is essential in my staying interested in a post.  Deal with it.

My blogs generally start as a spark, and the first post is the tiny flame.  My goal with this is to organize enough information to come up with reasonable, cheap, useful solutions for the Open Source Ecology project.  If you haven't heard of this, start here: and here

The importance of basic geologic knowledge.
Understanding geology and soil science is essential to being a productive self-sustaining farmer/producer, which is one of the goal of the OSE project.  Understanding local geology is essential if you're going to create sustainable engineering solutions cheaply and effectively.  In this blog I will offer cases when basic geologic knowledge is essential in planning a rural engineering design project, when basic geologic knowledge is essential in utilizing your natural resources, suggesting design improvements to current open-source techs, writing basic methods of gathering and understanding geologic data, and my own engineering designs.